Join our TRIBE community

“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.”  – C.S. Lewis

Now is YOUR time.

Feel healthy & live your best life.

You will have access to a team of specialists in lipedema, lymphedema, lymphatic and fat disorders. You are unique and need a personalized approach. 

With our combined decades of education and experience, you will be guided in transforming the symptoms you struggle with. You will feel better day-to-day and live your best life.

You will receive support, understanding, and a world of shared experiences that is life-transforming.

So many of us with lipedema struggle alone with doctors and family who don't understand about lipedema, or even worse, don't believe us. 

Our TRIBE Community creates a safe space to learn, to find what's right for you and your body. You can manage lipedema and live your best life. 

You are not alone!

How often in your life have you needed help for having fat arms, hips, legs, about your body but don't know what to do?

What about times that you have been in so much pain... and not known where to go or who to turn to?

The gap between your current health journey and the best quality of life with lipedema cannot be filled by knowledge alone.

We created the Lipedema TRIBE Community so you can enrich your life, learn about these chronic conditions, and connect with others to offer and receive support.

Simply, we have your back!

 We are Here to Help You

Catherine Seo, PhD. Founder & CEO, Lipedema Simplified & Lipedema Project

Lisa Duerre. Managing Director, Lipedema Simplified & Lipedema Project

Leslyn Keith, OTD, CLT-LANA. President & Director of Research, Lipedema Project. Lymphatic Instructor, Occupational Therapist

Siobhan Huggins. Research Specialist & Board Member, Lipedema Project

Michelle Jaqua, RN, CCM. Director of Surgery Simplified Concierge Program, Lipedema Simplified

Matthew Carmody, MD. Medical Advisor for Lipedema Simplified & Lipedema Project, Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, Diplomate of the American Board of Obesity Medicine, Internal Medicine Physician Practitioner, Researcher, and Primary Care Physician from Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Dr. Carmody is a Lipedema and Obesity medicine specialist, lecturer and actively designing enhanced approaches to lipedema and obesity for primary care providers. He meets with our TRIBE community in small groups regularly for Fireside Chats as well as offering webinars, MasterClass, and medical consulting to our research projects.

Your Coaches / Consultants

Sharon Tillery

Well-being Coach | USA

Carrie Reedy, BHSc (Nut Med) FNLP

Functional Nutrition & Keto Coaching | Australia

Bryan Hayward, BS, ChE

Pain Management Specialist | USA

Adrien "Adie" MacKenzie, LMT, CLT-LANA

Massage & Lymphedema Therapist | USA

Enrollment for our Lipedema TRIBE Community membership is now open for you to take advantage of this opportunity.

Are you ready to up your level of engagement, self-love, self-compassion for yourself? Are you ready to receive support and love from others who truly understand what you are going through - and can offer support, encouragement, and answers from their own personal experiences?

Whether you choose to be very active, or stay quietly in the background and just observe, we welcome you to come and find what you need.

Knowledge is Powerful

We have spent the past several years developing and implementing the MASTERCLASS series of webinars, online classes, and support groups.

KNOWLEDGE IS POWERFUL. We've learned how to help ourselves and each other. Our TRIBE Community is the best of what we have learned, available to you, at your own convenience to watch videos,  listen to podcasts, and meet with us on LIVE meetings.

Community is Nurturing

Connect with each other, our Lipedema TRIBE Community has valuable insights and feedback. Share your successes and challenges. Find answers to your questions.

Our community is supportive, encouraging, and kind. We have each other's back. This is a safe space for each of us. We ask for a gentle and respectful approach from all. Our social connections help bring a new dimension to our healing process.

Mentoring is Life-Changing

Our mentors, faculty, and staff are here to support you. We have monthly LIVE Q&A sessions, and our private online support group (CIRCLE) for asking questions and discussion, We have been facilitating and coaching specific to lipedema, lymphedema, lymphatic and fat disorders for over 10 years.

We are here to help you so you can optimally help yourself live your best life and move beyond lipedema and its limitations.

~ Ruth
Florida, USA

"To me, TRIBE is an education platform for lipedema and lymphedema. It is so helpful to know there are other ladies who may also have these symptoms and listen to their experiences. TRIBE is also a support for our feelings and to know we are not the only person to feel as we do. I am grateful to be part of this wonderful organization and to be invited to attend the many offerings held each week and month. If I can not attend at the time a meeting is held there are always reruns!"

~ Pam
New Jersey, USA

"This disease is not for the faint hearted. It takes persistence to do the things we need to do to manage this condition. Sharing my story, offering help to others and having a place to ask questions can make a big difference in living with lipedema."

~ Jeanne
Colorado, USA

"TRIBE means so much to me. I found I was not alone, and others had some of the same issues that I had. We support and learn from each other.
Because of the TRIBE, I made it through COVID! I was very isolated from my family and friends.
I love our schmooze time before and after Miranda. We talk, laugh and learn. TRIBE is my safe place to talk freely."

TRIBE Core Membership Includes:
$997 annual or $97 monthly

This is for you if…you want community interaction and support virtually from the
comfort & convenience of your own home (or office).

Live Interactive Sessions:

  • LIVE Fireside chats with lipedema specialists and expert guest speakers from all over the world 
  • LIVE Q&A sessions with coaches & experts 
  • LIVE lipedema-friendly workout/stretch sessions five times a week

Live Community Engagement Groups:

  • Wisdom Circles (exploration & deep dives)
  • Book Club 
  • Meditation Group 
  • Artsy Fartsy/Inspiration Group

 Support and Assistance:

  • LIVE technical support
  • A private community support and interaction platform (CIRCLE)

Resource Access:

  • TRIBE HUB - a searchable library of resources & replays of all the webinars and live sessions offered to TRIBE members
  • TRIBE e-newsletter
  • Online calendar of all TRIBE activities and events

Benefits and Discounts for Annual members:

  • Discounts on many of our offerings of up to 20% (and sometimes extra bonuses)

Offline Engagement:

  • Local in-person meetups

TRIBE All-Access Membership Includes:
$1,997 annual or $547 quarterly

This is for you if…you want community interaction and support virtually from the comfort & convenience of your own home (or office) PLUS small group coaching

All Core Benefits and Features:

  • You will get all features and benefits listed under TRIBE Core Membership
  • PLUS exclusive early access to small group coaching

Additional Benefits:

  • Four (4) special events or workshops including CSIGs (Coaching Special Interest Groups) quarterly each year (valued at $1,188) 
  • FREE upgrade to Premium Access to our yearly Events (valued at $591) 
  • One (1) customized coaching session (priceless...)

“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.” – C.S. Lewis

Sign up for TRIBE membership

Ready to go the next level?

If you are considering surgery, discover our Surgery Simplified Concierge Program for personalized support on your lipedema surgery journey.

Learn about Concierge

More Success Stories from our TRIBE Members


Frequently Asked Questions

Our Lipedema TRIBE Community creates a safe space to learn, to connect, to find what's right for you and your body. You can manage lipedema and other chronic conditions. You can find a lipedema home here. We are here for you. We have your back.

NOW is your time to live you best life!

It's not too late to live your best life with Lipedema.

Become a TRIBE Member Now