Cutting-edge Nutritional Strategies for Lipedema, Lymphedema, & Obesity
Learn strategies to reduce or eliminate pain and swelling, decrease inflammation, and experience more freedom in your body for lipedema, lymphedema, obesity, and other lymphatic disorders!
You will gain an understanding of your own body and ease the pain caused by lipedema and other fat/lymphatic disorders!

Let's Learn Together
Since November 2020, The Lipedema Project and Lipedema Simplified have been providing virtual symposiums focused on providing the most up-to-date information on lymphatic and fat disorders.
This year, the Spring Virtual Symposium focuses on ketogenic nutrition for management of lipedema, lymphedema, and related conditions.
The idea of using diet for the treatment of lipedema and lymphedema is an approach that is rapidly gaining ground due to emerging evidence of its potentially profound impact on these disorders. This Symposium gives an opportunity to explore and learn how a ketogenic diet can lead to improved management of these chronic conditions.
The goal of the Keto Revolution Symposium is to introduce useful strategies, and the science behind them, for integrating ketogenic nutrition into a comprehensive plan of care for lymphatic and fat disorders for patients, caregivers, healthcare providers, and researchers alike.
The Patient Panels will highlight the real world experiences and personal journeys of those who live with these disorders on a daily basis.
This virtual nature of the symposium creates an opportunity for attendees and presenters from all parts of the globe to connect and share their experience and knowledge -- making this knowledge accessible even to those who normally would be unable to attend an in-person event.
Join us to learn about, begin, enhance or expand your ketogenic lifestyle and to join the keto revolution for lymphatic and fat disorders!
What Our Attendees Say
"Wow! What a good symposium we had. It was so empowering and very informative.
Thank you for recording the event because now we can sit and take all the tips and start implementing them in our lifestyles so that we can feel better. It felt so good to be with people who are experiencing the same thing and one can see that we are really a big community.
Thank you again for putting such a powerful symposium together. We really need this."
~ Suzan D.

Experience a feeling of satiety and increased energy that comes with healthy eating!
Reduce inflammation to improve your health and quality of life!
Break free from addictive sugars that are preventing your weight loss!
Reduce the pain and swelling and experience improved management of lymphedema/lipedema!
Learn from our Expert Speakers
Day 1

Amy Berger, MS, CNS
Keto Basics: It's Not Just About Weight Loss

Eric Westman, MD
Enlighten Your Doctor: How to Talk About Nutrition and Lymphatic/Fat Disorders with Your Healthcare Provider

Brian Lenzkes, MD
People Can Be Complicated: Let's Try to Simplify Medicine with Nutritional Recommendations Addressing Mulitple Comorbidities

Carrie Reedy, BHSc (Nut Med) FNLP
Is Keto Right for All of You?: Practicalities of Eating Keto for You and Your Family

Megan Ramos
Can Fasting help your Ketogenic Plan?: A Look at Intermittent Fasting (IF), Alternate Day Fasting (AF), and Extended Fasting (EF)

Gail Straker
Slowing Down to Fast: One Lipedema Lovely's Journey to Health using The Fasting Method
Day 2

Leslyn Keith OTD, CLT-LANA
Fat & Ketones for Lymphatic Health: Fat Can Be a Friend Instead of a Foe

Bret Scher MD
Cholesterol and a Ketogenic Diet: How You Can Nurture Your Healthy Heart

Dr. med. Gabriele Faerber
Ketogenic Diet in Lipoedema: Why it's Always Worth a Try for Patients and Doctors

Paul Mason MD
Not All "Keto" Foods Are Created Equal: Fiber, Lectins, Seed Oils and More!

Colette Branum Harris
Empowered Well-Being: Transformation with Nutrition & Lifestyle

Veronique Rynn, DC, MS
Making the Right Food My Medicine

Julie Idsinga
Nutrition: A Key in Managing Multiple Health Conditions

Magdalena Jerzak
Lipedema & SIBO: Special Considerations for Lipedema in a Polish Nutrition Practice

Carlos Zumarraga, MD
Healing Leaky Gut and Reducing Autoimmunity with Real Food Keto

Siobhan Huggins
Fat Fibrosis in Lipedema and Lymphedema: What It Is and Why It Matters
Day 3

Amber O'Hearn
The Carnivore Diet: An Insider's Guide

Leslyn Keith OTD, CLT-LANA
Carnivore: Why it's Optimal for Lymphatic Health

Ken Berry, MD
Ketovore for Chronic Conditions: Navigating Nutrition with The Proper Human Diet (PHD)

Siobhan Huggins
Exploring Different Flavors of Carnivore for Lipedema: The Benefits of High Fat and High Protein and Why Carnivore May be Especially Suited for Some

Zite Hutton
Embracing the Carnivore Way of Eating (WOE): Or Everything I Thought I Knew about Nutrition was Wrong... for Me

Kelly Bell
Steak vs. Salad and Their Effect on Lymphedema of the Organs

Cameron Ayala
Elimi-steak - Carnivore Experimentation Turns into a Lifestyle

Catherine Seo, PhD
Carnivore & Alternate Day Fasting: My Journey Regaining Mobility &. Dancing Again
Meet Your Hosts

Catherine Seo, PhD
Founder & CEO
Lipedema Simplified & Lipedema Project

Leslyn Keith, OTD, CLT-LANA
Symposium Co-Director
Board President
Director of Research
The Lipedema Project

Siobhan Huggins
Symposium Co-Director
Board Director
Research Specialist
The Lipedema Project
Frequently Asked Questions
Who should access the symposium?
Will there be a way to connect with other attendees?
How do I access the replays?
How long will I have access to the replays?
Thank you to our Sponsors & Supporters

What Our Attendees Say
"What a wonderful job you all have done, pulling all of this valuable information in one place. Thank you!!"
~ Pam M.
"You all have spearheaded an entire movement and changed the lives of so many. So grateful."
~ April I.
"Phenomenal Symposium! It really shed a lot of light on things that were happening to my body that internal medicine doctors don't always have answers to."
~ Denise B.
"What a wonderful symposium!!! For this first-timer, my mind has been opened to a whole new way of life. Something I've searched for 25 years."
~ Jennifer M.
"Whoever designed the webpage for this symposium - it is so adorable! It is fun! I love it! It makes me feel like I am at an in-person symposium! Everything is easy to find. Thank you for all the time and talent you put into it!"
~ Renee C.

Ketogenic Revolution for Lipedema & Lymphedema Virtual Symposium 2022
Improve your overall health by uncovering not just why the ketogenic way of eating is the solution to your lipedema/lymphedema, but more importantly, how to apply it to your daily life.
Replays are available only until May 22, 2022
Get the Replays Now00