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What a wonderful job you all have done, pulling all of this valuable information in one place. Thank you!!
Pam M.
What a wonderful symposium!!! For this first-timer, my mind has been opened to a whole new way of life. Something I've searched for for 25 years.
Jennifer M.
Whoever designed the webpage for this symposium - it is so adorable! It is fun! I love it! It makes me feel like I am at an in-person symposium! Everything is easy to find. Thank you for all the time and talent you put into it!
Renee C.
Phenomenal Symposium! It really shed a lot of light on things that were happening to my body that internal medicine doctors don't always have answers to.
Denise B.
You all have spearheaded an entire movement and changed the lives of so many. So grateful.
April I.